The Akakura Onsen Tourism Association recognizes the importance of your privacy, and of your personal information. To protect these, the Association complies with all applicable laws and regulations, and has established the following regulations and strictly enforces them.
1. Collection of personal information
The Association may ask for personal information in order for us to provide the necessary information and services. We will always make clear the intended usage of this information before collecting it. Please note that some services will not be available if you do not provide this information.
2. Use of personal information
The Association will use personal information provided to us only for the purposes indicated to you. We will always contact you and gain your prior consent before this information is used in any other manner.
Potential uses of personal information
- Sending of direct mail providing information on events, fairs, plans, etc.
- Other contact: direct contact by email, telephone, mail, etc. when the Association feels it is necessary and appropriate to contact you.
3. Provision of personal information
The Association will not disclose or provide personal information to a third party except in the following cases. Joint use of the information, or disclosure to a business contractor does not constitute disclosure or provision to a third party:
- • When the customer’s consent has been obtained;
- • When disclosure or provision is required by law;
- • When disclosure is required in an emergency situation, and it is difficult to obtain the individual&rsqou;s consent;
- • When disclosure is necessary to comply with the national or local government in carrying out public affairs, and obtaining consent could hinder the performance of these affairs;
- • When providing information in advance.
4. Outsourcing of business
The Association may outsource some of its business activities, and provide personal information to the party performing the outsourced activities, to the extent necessary.
When the above happens, the Association will enter into a contract with the party performing the outsourced activities regarding proper handling of the information, and will supervise the third party.
5. Secure management of personal information
The Association will strictly manage all personal information collected, and will take all measures needed to prevent unauthorized access to or the loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information.
6. Disclosure of personal information
If an individual requests that personal information collected by the Association be released to a third party, the Association will do so, but only after confirming the individual’s identity, in accordance with Association procedures.
If the information is found to be inaccurate or incorrect as a result of any such disclosure, the information will be immediately corrected.
7. Revision of privacy policy
We will continue to improve our handling of personal information. Any major changes in this regard will be announced on this or other websites. Other changes outside this may be made without prior notice.